Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28: 19

Local is dedicated to making a difference in our community by assisting and addressing the needs of others. . We do this by participating in local initiatives, regularly discussing with public schools, and partnering with non-profit organizations. By recognizing the needs of these groups, we can determine areas where we can work together to create a more significant impact in Ashland.

PHamily Closet

From the pantry at Patrick Henry High School to townspeople in need, we do whatever is necessary to lead a helping hand at Local.  Here, students can grab the necessities for themselves and their family members. At Local, we want to help. When first-time guests fill out a connection card, we generously give back a portion of our weekly giving to those who need it.  Local has donated over $1150  to support the needs of these families.

Planting Churches

Planting new churches helps bring spiritually dead people back to life by renewing broken relationships, fostering community, and influencing the eternal destinies of people who are far from God. It also allows people to embrace a new identity in Christ, experience forgiveness, and be liberated from the challenges of this world. We've raised over $2600 to support the planting of new churches.

Ashland Community

We do whatever it takes to help anyone in need, from raking leaves to providing gift cards for food and dropping off meals. We are for Ashland and have given over $1509.  

Join the mission to move people to love like Jesus

Discover your people. Uncover your mission. 

At Local Christian Church, we strive to foster a community of authentic followers who embody the transformative impact of the gospel. Our vision is to introduce individuals to Jesus and witness the remarkable changes that take place in their lives through faith.

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