Sunday Morning Message Recap

Embracing Faith in the Unknown


Welcome to our new series on the book of Hebrews, specifically focusing on chapter 11, often referred to as the "Faith Chapter" or the "Hall of Faith." This chapter is filled with inspiring stories of faith, showcasing how ordinary people accomplished extraordinary things through their trust in God. Let's dive into the essence of faith and how it can transform our lives.

What is Faith?

Defining Faith
Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as "confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." This means faith is not just a belief but a deep trust in God, even when we can't see the outcome. It's about acting on that belief, knowing that God is in control.

Examples of Faith
The chapter provides numerous examples of people who lived by faith, such as Noah, Moses, Sarah, and Gideon. Each of these individuals faced seemingly insurmountable challenges but trusted God to guide them through.
Noah: Built an ark that was 3 football fields long. 
Moses: Led a million people despite his past mistakes.
Sarah: Trusted God's promise despite her and her husband's initial doubts.
Gideon: Led a small army against a much larger force.

The Nature of Faith

Faith as Trust and Confidence
Faith involves trusting God enough to act on that belief. It's about having confidence in God's promises and assurances, even when we can't see them. This trust is not based on our circumstances but on God's unchanging nature.

Faith in Action
Faith is not passive; it requires action. The people mentioned in Hebrews 11 acted on their faith, and their actions were a testament to their trust in God. This is a crucial lesson for us: faith should lead to action.

The Outcome of Faith

Proof and Assurance
Faith provides proof and assurance of God's promises. When we trust in God, we have a strong foundation, knowing that He is for us and not against us. This assurance helps us navigate life's uncertainties with confidence.

Living with Integrity
Living by faith means making ethical decisions and standing up for our beliefs, even when it's difficult. This integrity is noticeable and valued by God, and it sets an example for others.

Facing Life's Challenges with Faith

Trusting God in Uncertainty
Life is filled with uncertainties, whether related to our jobs, relationships, or health. Faith means trusting God in these unknowns, knowing that He is in control and has our best interests at heart.

Making Sacrifices for What is Right

Faith often requires making sacrifices for what is right. This could mean standing up for our beliefs or making ethical decisions at work, even if it comes at a personal cost.

Leaving a Legacy of Faith
Our goal should be to leave a legacy that reflects our trust in God. This can be through acts of kindness, generosity, and sharing our faith with others.

Life Application

Taking a Step of Faith
This week, challenge yourself to take a step of faith. Whether it's making a difficult decision, standing up for your beliefs, or trusting God in a challenging situation, take that step forward.

Reflecting on Your Faith Journey
Ask yourself these questions:
  • How can I trust God more in my current situation?
  • What actions can I take to demonstrate my faith?
  • How can I leave a legacy of faith for others?

Living with Integrity
Commit to living with integrity, making ethical decisions, and standing up for your beliefs, even when it's difficult. Remember, God is with you and will guide you through.


Faith is about trusting God in the unknown and acting on that trust. As we journey through Hebrews 11, let's be inspired by the examples of faith and strive to live lives that reflect our trust in God. Take a step of faith this week and see how God moves in your life.
If you need prayer or want to make a decision to follow Christ, don't hesitate to reach out. Let's walk this journey of faith together.

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