Posts with the tag “generosity”

From Our Lead Minister
by Bruce Humphrey on December 30th, 2024
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Sunday Morning Message Recap
by Local Christian Church on November 17th, 2024
When you hear the word "generous," what comes to mind? Money, time, or acts of kindness? Generosity is often associated with these things, but at its core, it’s about trusting God. This week, we explored what it means to live generously and how it can transform our lives. Let’s dive into the key points from our recent sermon on generosity. Generosity Reflects Our Trust in GodHave you ever wondered...  Read More
Sunday Morning Message Recap
by Local Christian Church on November 10th, 2024
Life unfolds in a series of moments—some extraordinary, like a wedding day, and others seemingly mundane, like a quick coffee run or a casual conversation. Each moment, big or small, has the potential to reflect God’s purpose. But how often do we pause to consider the eternal significance of these moments?In our fast-paced, goal-driven world, time feels like a commodity—something to manage, save, ...  Read More
Sunday Morning Message Recap
by Local Christian Church on July 24th, 2024
How has your week been? Whether it's been busy, up and down, or just plain indifferent, we often find ourselves looking forward to the weekend. In our ongoing series, "Make Room," we've been using the analogy of big stones and little stones to represent the priorities in our lives. The big stones are the most important things like family, health, and our relationship with Jesus, while the small st...  Read More





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