Sunday Morning Message Recap

Making Room for God: Prioritizing Our Spiritual Lives


Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the busyness of life? Do you find yourself wishing for more hours in the day to accomplish everything on your to-do list? This week's sermon delved into the common struggle of feeling perpetually busy and how it impacts our spiritual lives. The message emphasized the importance of making room for God amidst our hectic schedules. Let's explore the key points and practical steps to prioritize our relationship with God.

The Modern Response: "I'm Busy"

It's become almost a reflex to respond with "I'm busy" when asked how we are. This response has replaced the more traditional "I'm fine" or "I'm good." Being busy has become a status symbol, a subtle acknowledgment of our importance and the demands on our time. But what if the solution to our busyness isn't more time, but rather prioritizing what truly matters?

The Strength in the Lord

Our strength does not come from within ourselves but from the Lord. Ephesians 6:10-11 encourages us to "be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might." By relying on God's power, we can defend against the devil's schemes and stand firm in our faith.

Jesus' Example: Making Room for God

In Luke 2:41-49, we see a young Jesus prioritizing His relationship with God. At the age of twelve, He stayed behind in the temple, engaging with the teachers and deepening His understanding. Even as a boy, Jesus made it clear that His top priority was His Father's mission. This story foreshadows the central role that God would play in His life and ministry.

More Thoughts

To live a full life, as described in John 10:10, we must prioritize spending time with God. This isn't about following a strict schedule or adhering to a specific routine. It's about making a conscious effort to connect with God daily. The sermon emphasized two key challenges: personal and private time with God, and public celebration with the church community.

Rick Warren illustrated the importance of engaging with God's Word through reading, listening, studying, memorizing, meditating, and applying it. M. Scott Peck's story further highlighted the need for setting aside specific time for prayer, not just praying when it's convenient. The challenge is to take five to ten minutes daily to read scripture, reflect, and pray.

Attending church regularly is crucial for our spiritual growth. The early church in Acts 2:47 thrived through unity and joy, attracting others to their faith. The sermon encouraged us to prioritize weekly gatherings, ensuring that other commitments don't interfere with our participation. This communal aspect of worship strengthens our faith and fosters a sense of belonging.

Life Application

Challenge for the Week

1. Personal Time with God: Dedicate five to ten minutes each day this week to read scripture, reflect, and pray. Make this a non-negotiable part of your daily routine.

2. Public Celebration: Commit to attending church every Sunday for the next six weeks. If you're traveling, find a local church to attend and experience how God is moving in different communities.

Questions to Reflect On

1. What are the "big rocks" in your life that need to be prioritized?
2. How can you make more room for God in your daily schedule?
3. What steps can you take to ensure that your personal and public worship times are consistent and meaningful?


Prioritizing our relationship with God amidst the busyness of life is essential for spiritual growth and fulfillment. By making room for God, both personally and publicly, we align our lives with His purpose and experience the fullness of life that Jesus promised. Let's take on the challenge this week to reorder our steps and put God first, trusting that everything else will fall into place.

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