Sunday Morning Message Recap

Foundations: Living Out Our Faith Locally and Globally


Welcome to our special message on the foundations of our faith. Today, we explore what it means to be the church God calls us to be, both in our local community and beyond. This message is part of a series of purposeful talks that will guide us throughout the year. Let's dive into the core values that drive our mission and how we can live them out daily.

Mentorship: Following and Learning from Jesus

What Does It Mean to Be a Mentor in Faith?

In Matthew 4:19, Jesus says, "Come, follow me, and I will send you out to fish for people." This invitation to Peter and Andrew was not just about leaving their old lives but about transforming them for a greater purpose. Jesus didn't just teach from a distance; He walked alongside His disciples, modeling a life worth imitating.

Why Mentorship Matters

Mentorship is about more than just imparting knowledge. It's about living a life that others can look up to and emulate. Jesus chose ordinary people to be His disciples, showing that you don't need to be perfect to mentor others. Whether you're a seasoned believer or new to the faith, you can make a difference by walking alongside someone else.

How to Start Mentoring?
Identify Someone to Mentor: Look for someone who could benefit from your experience and guidance.
Be Intentional: Spend time with them, share your life, and show them how to live out their faith.
Live Authentically: Be open about your struggles and victories, showing that following Jesus is a journey.

Mission: Living with Purpose and Passion

What Is Our Mission as Followers of Jesus?

In Luke 4:18, Jesus declares, "The Spirit of the Lord is on me because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor." Jesus' mission was clear: to bring hope, healing, and freedom. This mission wasn't just something He talked about; it was something He lived out daily.

Living Out Our Mission

Mission isn't just an activity; it's an identity. Whether you're a stay-at-home parent, a business professional, or a student, you can live with purpose. Your mission might be your workplace, your neighborhood, or your family.

How to Live on Mission
Identify Your Mission: Ask God to reveal where He wants you to serve.

Be Intentional: Look for opportunities to share the love of Christ in your daily interactions.

Take the Next Step:  Whether it's joining a community group, serving on our Local Team, or simply being a listening ear, take a step towards living out your mission.

Multiplication: Reproducing Disciples

What Does It Mean to Multiply Disciples?

In Matthew 28:19, Jesus commands, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations." This Great Commission is about more than just adding followers; it's about multiplying disciples who will, in turn, make more disciples.

The Power of Multiplication

Multiplication is about reproducing the life of Christ in others. When one person disciples another, who then disciples someone else, the impact grows exponentially. This ripple effect can transform families, workplaces, and communities.

How to Multiply Disciples
Invest in Relationships: Build intentional relationships where you can share your faith and mentor others.
Equip and Empower: Teach others how to live out their faith and encourage them to do the same with others.
Create a Ripple Effect: Imagine the impact of one conversation, one relationship, one act of love that multiplies through others.

Life Application

How Can We Apply These Principles This Week?

Living out our faith involves mentorship, mission, and multiplication. Here are some practical steps you can take this week:

Mentor Someone: Identify someone you can walk alongside and invest in their spiritual growth.
Live on Mission: Look for opportunities to share the love of Christ in your daily interactions.
Multiply Disciples:  Encourage those you mentor to do the same with others, creating a ripple effect of faith.

Questions to Reflect On:
1. Who can I mentor in my faith journey?
2. What mission is God calling me to in my daily life?
3. How can I make a bigger impact on the kingdom of God through multiplication?

Let's follow Jesus' example and see how God will transform us, our church, and our community. Together, we can make a global impact for His kingdom.


As we close, remember that you don't need to be a pastor or a scholar to make a difference. It's about the willingness to share what God has done and is doing in your life. Let's be intentional in mentoring, living on mission, and multiplying disciples. God has a plan for you, and He wants to use you to transform lives. Let's pray and ask God to guide us in this journey.

God, You are an amazing God, worthy of our praise and love. We thank You for the opportunity to be part of Your mission. Help us to mentor others, live with purpose, and multiply disciples for Your kingdom. Amen.


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