Sunday Morning Message Recap

Living with Enthusiasm for God


We often associate enthusiasm with naturally high-energy people—those glass-half-full types who seem to radiate positivity. But enthusiasm, in its truest form, goes much deeper than a sunny disposition. Genuine enthusiasm, the kind that sustains us through life’s ups and downs, isn’t about mood; it’s about being rooted in something (or Someone) more significant than ourselves.

The word enthusiasm comes from the Greek phrase "En Theos," which means "in God." Originally, enthusiasm described someone filled with divine inspiration. This idea reshapes enthusiasm for believers—not as mere excitement but as a sustained commitment to living “in God,” filled with His presence, joy, and purpose, no matter what life throws our way.

So, how do we cultivate this divine enthusiasm in our everyday lives? Here are some reflections drawn from the life of King David—one of the most enthusiastic followers of God in Scripture.

1. Enthusiasm in Waiting: Trusting God's Timing

Waiting is something we all deal with, and often, it’s not our favorite part of life. In our culture of instant gratification, waiting can feel unbearable. Yet, David's story shows us the power of staying enthusiastic in the waiting. When the prophet Samuel anointed David as the future king of Israel, David was still a young shepherd. Instead of moving immediately to the throne, David spent years back in the fields, patiently tending sheep and serving as King Saul’s musician and armor bearer. His ultimate calling took decades to come to fruition.

David’s enthusiasm during this time wasn’t about high-energy moments or instant rewards but a steady, faithful commitment to God. He believed in God’s promises even when they seemed far off. This means trusting that God’s timing is perfect, even when we don’t understand it. Whether waiting for a job promotion, a relationship to heal, or a prayer to be answered, we can remain enthusiastic by focusing on God’s faithfulness.

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.” (Colossians 3:23)

2. Enthusiasm during Hardships: Finding Joy in Trials

If we allow them, our trials can deepen for God our enthusiasm. They become opportunities to rely on His strength and experience His faithfulness in new ways. When life gets tough, it's common for our enthusiasm to fade. In times of loss, rejection, or fear, our instinct often leads us to withdraw. However, enthusiasm rooted in God shines the brightest during difficult seasons. David was well-acquainted with hardship; he faced relentless pursuit from King Saul, who sought to kill him and later experienced significant family strife and personal heartbreak. Yet, despite these trials, David maintained his worship, prayer, and trust in God. His enthusiasm was not based on perfect circumstances but on his unwavering faith.

Hardships refine us, and God uses these challenges to build our character and strengthen our resolve. As the book of James reminds us:

“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.” (James 1:2-3)

If we allow them, our trials can enhance our enthusiasm for God. They become opportunities to depend on His strength and discover His faithfulness in new ways.

3. Enthusiasm after Messing Up

If we’re honest, some of the greatest obstacles to enthusiasm are our mistakes. It’s tempting to give up when we stumble, thinking we’re no longer qualified to serve or honor God. But David’s story shows us that we can still live enthusiastically for God even when we fail. David made grave mistakes, from his affair with Bathsheba to the decisions that led to family turmoil. Yet, he didn’t stay stuck in his failures. He repented genuinely and moved forward, trusting in God’s mercy and grace.

Our failures don’t define us nor disqualify us from living with passion for God’s purpose. Because of Christ’s sacrifice, we have access to forgiveness, restoration, and new beginnings. God’s love frees us to be enthusiastic about our calling, even when we stumble.

“Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16)

Living Out Enthusiasm Daily

The world often encourages us to keep our passions private, especially regarding faith. But if we truly live “in God,” our enthusiasm should be evident. Just as we eagerly share our favorite hobbies or interests, we should boldly share our love for Jesus and our hope in Him. The culture may tell us to keep quiet about faith, but our calling as followers of Christ is clear: to go and make disciples, sharing the Good News with others.

So, how can we live out this enthusiasm daily? Here are a few practical steps:

Start Each Day with God – Before diving into your to-do list, pray or read Scripture. Allow God’s presence to fill you and guide your day.

Serve with a Heart for God – Whether at work, with family, or among friends, approach each task as an act of service to God. Enthusiasm grows when we see every moment as an opportunity to honor Him.

Share Your Faith Boldly – Don’t let fear or discomfort hold you back from sharing about Jesus. Enthusiasm for God is contagious, and your passion can impact those around you.
A Prayer of Commitment

If you’re ready to embrace an enthusiastic life in God, here’s a prayer to start:

Lord, thank You for calling us to live with enthusiasm beyond mere excitement and reaching into every part of who we are. Help us to be steadfast in waiting, faithful in hardships, and courageous after failure. Fill us with Your Spirit so that our lives reflect Your love, joy, and hope. May we be eager to share Your truth with others and to serve wholeheartedly in everything we do! Guide us to live each day fully “in You” for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Every season, our enthusiasm may reflect a life fully anchored in God’s promises, grace, and love. Let’s go forth with passion, purpose, and the unwavering belief that God is with us every step of the way.

Local Christian Church

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